I may only be half Jewish, but I am in full support of fun menorahs. I wonder if the "Selection of Fruit" menorah comes with that exciting pink wallpaper.
And I wonder if the "Stylish Shoes" menorah will be updated next year to include those furry snow boots that everyone seems to be wearing this season. I kind of hope so. I think it would make a nice Shamash.
Please let me know if you come across an "Animals of the Arctic" menorah as I could not imagine a theme that would make me more enthusiastic about Hannukah. I can think of few things that might get one more in the holiday spirit than lighting a candle held by a sweet baby penguin or perhaps a blubbery little seal.
1 comment:
The cute thing about being half Jewish is that you get to use the full strength of the "ish" suffix. Ie: "I'm not a Jew. I'm JewISH."
Makes all the difference, really. It lets you be pro-menorah yet unsure as to the correct spelling of Hannukah/Channuka/(like ten other variations).
Also, take your pick: http://www.google.com/search?q=penguin+menorah&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
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